
Showing posts from December, 2022

Meet the standards set forth by the European Union

Eu taxonomy technical report requirements  When the regulator opens the market of capital, it thoroughly examines the information referring to the prospective investor. The S.E.C. has told issuers to make sure that the investor disclosures about fund assets are as accurate as possible. Over a recent four-year period, the Wall Street Journal has found that underwriters' protocols have been flouted more than any other federal regulator . Consider the following examples. electric utilities. They must submit data that identifies actual electricity consumption by members of the electric utility retirement household. But they don't have to submit data for the  eu taxonomy technical repor t used by household members that qualify for retirement credits , and those who don't. Regulators . Underwriters erred in requiring accurate disclosures by mortgage lenders and other mortgage issuers who underwrite and distribute home loans. Mortgage underwriters approved of issued home lo